Friday, April 1, 2016


Our America so great.
 We have men sacrificing 
their living for the dead
 but in a larger sense. 
We yet don't thank
 those who struggled and dedicate
 their brave life for us.

Image result for american soldiers with flag
Image result for american soldiers with flag
Image result for solider

Letter Poem

The Letter K
It looks like a Japaneses letter.
It looks like a knot. 
It looks like someone squatting.
It looks like  heart. 
It looks like a vacuum.
It looks like a two headed fish. 
It looks like a car seat. 
It looks like a trail of a ball that bounced.
It looks like a trail of bee.
Image result for KImage result for K

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

short story

Ship Wreck
      By Adam Velasquez
     Otis was very quiet, average height, dark hair.  No one talked to Otis. After high school Otis become a businessman. He work for DELL. He help people with their  computers. He was good at it. DELL was having a company party on the company ship the SS DELL. Otis was so excited for the trip.  The SS DELL was sailing from Florida to Bahamas. The ship set sail. Otis was having good time, he was dancing and talking.  One night the ship was sleeping. They sailed into a storm. The thunder was so loud it woke everybody up. The thunder broke the glass.  The lighting was so bright. Everyone was so scared. Everyone went up to the deck. Then lighting hit the ship in front of the ship.The ship was on fire. Everyone was yelling and trying to get to the safety boats. The women were screaming. The crew members tried to calm everyone but no one listened. The ship was sinking.  Otis got his life vest and jump off the boat. He was floating and yelled to get the people attention to tell the  them there was an island. No one listened. So Otis swam to the island. Otis was tired and wet.Otis looked around, he  was gasping for his last breath, then he fell asleep. 

When Otis woke up all he saw was a jungle, sand and ocean far as the eye can see. Otis went looking around. All Otis found was some trees and bananas and coconuts.  Otis made a little shack. Out of the jungle trees,Otis was getting very creative. He could build almost anything. He built tables and chairs. They were nice with detail. Otis like living by himself. Otis was getting some bananas when he met Congo. Otis grab the bananas and Congo wanted the bananas. Congo grab the bananas.Congo is very strong, but small. Then Otis grab the bananas. Otis picked up Congo and the bananas and took them back to his shack. With the bananas Otis made a good shake and gave some to Congo,Congo loved the shake. The shake was made of coconut and bananas. Congo lived with Otis. Otis and Congo became best friends.

One day Otis and Congo were going to get some fruit when they saw a plane fly by. Congo went running off because he saw a piece of paper fly out of the plane and Otis chased after him yelling “Congo” that's when they found the plans for a terrorist attack on U.S. The terrorists were going to get bombers with little beads so the metal detectors would detect it and they were going to send the bombers in sport events. So Otis and Congo start to make a boat. They made it out of bark, they tied it with Otis shirt. They failed a couple times but then they made one. They started sailing. It took them 3 day. They made it to the Bahamas. Otis and Congo were tired but  they started walking  to the U.S territory. Otis showed the guy at the gate the plans. The guy at the gate took them to the guy in the office. The guy in office sent them back to the U.S.A.  and notified the president. Otis and Congo flew in a private plane. The U.S.A  sent the F.B.I and the CIA to where the terrorists were hiding. No one was killed. The President asked to meet Otis and Congo. Otis and Congo went to go see the president. The president gave Otis a metal. Congo got bananas. They were both happy.

Friday, January 8, 2016